From renowned author Susan E. Klepp

Uncover History

“…Alice has become an internationally revered figure whose life, achievements and beliefs have inspired people, not only in the United States, but in Europe, Latin America and elsewhere.”

Coming Soon

[Alice] was a rarity—a female slave whose name would eventually come to be widely recognized; at first locally and then internationally.  Recently she has become an inspiring symbol of survival in the midst of the injustices meted out to her peers and that she herself endured. Yet her life story as published at the time was obviously incomplete.  This biography broadens the existing story of a woman who was both obscured and celebrated, typical and distinctive, insulted and praised, silenced and articulate. Through new research, Alice and her kin, her community networks, her sufferings, her beliefs and aspirations can be explored, shedding new light on northern American slavery and the complicated and often frustrated transitions of enslaved women and men out of bondage and into freedom.

Bestselling author

Susan E. Klepp

Susan E. Klepp is professor of history and affiliated professor of women’s studies and of African American studies at Temple University. She is author or coeditor of six books and editor of the Journal of the Early Republic.

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Revolutionary Conceptions

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Dignified, intelligent, honest, and religious, [Alice] was a resource for early 19th century readers interested in tales of olden days and for those curious about her remarkably long and healthy life.

Susan Klepp